Today a friend, no... a very good friend, or even better, I would call her a TRUE friend,... asked me over for lunch and a message she felt prompted to share with me along with a couple of other friends. The message or messages she shared, I know will help me become that person I'm striving to be, the one mentioned in my last blog.... (from many months ago).
So the things I'm remembering from today... (not looking at notes yet):
- I need to write! I need to write! I need to write! I need to record the things I'm thinking, the things I'm learning, and especially the godly things or things that come from God or my conversations with God. It might be too much to share all of that in a public blog. So I might start a more private one or make this one more private. Not so much that these things are private but they are sacred and should be shared carefully and as the Spirit directs.
- I need to talk with God every day, ask him questions and hear his answers or said another way, I need to communion with God every day.
- I need to exercise the things I know.
- I need to fill my soul with light and things of God that there is no room for shadows or things not truth.
- God loves me... (and you!)
You may ask "Why the title Angels Every Day?" I will tell you, there are angels around me here on this earth. I feel so blessed by my brothers and sisters who influence me for good. Most if not all do not see them self as an angel and yet they continue to go about doing good day in and day out never realizing the influence they make. And because of one more thing... I hope to have angels from the other side of the veil with me every day teaching me and guiding me on the straight and narrow path.
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